A Night and Day Difference with Brownridge Research

Feb 3, 2024
A Night and Day Difference with Brownridge Research

A Reader Complains About the Unwanted Email Practices at Jeff's Old Employer and Wonders, How Is Brownridge Different?

Jeff, great to get your emails through Brownridge. My biggest complaint with your prior service was all the additional junk e-mail generated by your so-called colleagues. If I subscribe to your new service, what’s to say that I won’t be once again inundated with unwanted lookalike emails? Sincerely — Ron R.

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the zinger of a question. This is another hot topic for me.

Lindsey and I have often spoken about this point and our desire to “not be like that.”

I share your complaint 100%.

My role at my last employer was as a research analyst and writer. My job was to produce editorial and hand it off. I had zero operational control. I wasn’t involved in the final production of any of my research. And I had no say over what kinds of e-mails were sent to my subscribers.

I sincerely hope that you can already recognize a night and day difference with Brownridge Research. We intend to keep it that way.

Of course, in the future, we will market investment research and reach out to our subscribers when I’m excited about something. But I’m committed to ensure that my subscribers aren’t “inundated” daily with “unwanted” e-mails, as you said.

When we do have a marketing campaign, you’ll probably get a few extra reminders primarily because e-mail deliverability can always be an issue. But it will be very different than what you experienced. Unlike before, I have complete control over my business now, which means I can also control what is and isn’t sent.

And I only want to send information and research to my subscribers that I know has value. I want to publish information, ideas, and opportunities that I am interested in myself, not just “anything.” And I’ll only publishing information and ideas that I believe in.

That’s my advantage now of owning my own business as opposed to being an employee of another.

I hope that helps. It’s great to have you as part of the Brownridge community and I appreciate the sincere question.

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