Whitelisting Brownridge

The best and surest way to ensure you never miss a Brownridge email is to whitelist our general domain: brownridge.com. This way, any email that comes from Jeff will end up in your inbox.

We also encourage you to add the following email addresses to your address book or contact list:

  • jbrown@brownridge.com
  • contact@brownridge.com

For further instructions on whitelisting, please find your email provider below and follow the instructions.

We would like to take a moment to talk to you about something that can enhance your experience with the Brownridge content and ensure you never miss an important update or opportunity from Jeff.

Whitelisting our domain and our email addresses is a simple yet powerful step you can take to stay connected and make the most of our growing tech community.

What is Whitelisting?

Whitelisting is a process in which you designate specific email addresses, domains, or IP addresses as trusted and allowed to send emails to your inbox, without being filtered into your spam or junk folder.

When you whitelist an email address or domain, you tell your email provider that you consider emails from that source to be safe and legitimate, and you want to receive them directly in your inbox.

Here's how whitelisting works:

  1. Trusted Sources: You identify certain senders (contact@brownridge.com and jbrown@brownridge.com) or domains (brownridge.com) from which you regularly receive important and legitimate emails. These could include personal contacts, businesses you trust, newsletters you've subscribed to, or other sources you want to ensure you receive emails from.
  2. Whitelisting Actions: Depending on your email provider, you can typically whitelist email addresses or domains by taking specific actions, such as marking an email as "Not Spam," adding the sender to your contacts or address book, or creating email filters and rules that specify certain senders should always go to your inbox.
  3. Email Delivery: Once you've whitelisted an email address or domain, future emails from those sources are less likely to be filtered as spam. They will be delivered directly to your inbox, ensuring you see them promptly.

Whitelisting is a useful tool for ensuring that you receive important emails from trusted sources and that they don't get lost in your spam folder.

Keep in mind that the process and methods for whitelisting change frequently, and vary depending on the email provider or client you use.

For your pure convenience, we've posted instructions for whitelisting below. But it's always most accurate to consult the specific instructions from your email platform to whitelist senders effectively.

To whitelist the Brownridge email address, simply follow the instructions for your specific email client (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo) outlined below. We've made it easy for you to take this step, ensuring you receive all the benefits of being part of our community.

Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in us. Together, we'll continue to explore the ever-evolving world of tech and make informed decisions together in this dynamic landscape.


To whitelist an email address or domain in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail: Log in to your Gmail account if you're not already signed in.
  2. Click on "Settings": In the upper-right corner of your Gmail interface, click the gear icon (⚙️) and select "See all settings."
  3. Go to "Filters and Blocked Addresses": In the Settings menu, click on the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab.
  4. Click "Create a new filter": Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the "Create a new filter" option.
  5. Specify the email address or domain: In the "From" field, enter the email address or domain that you want to whitelist. For Brownridge, please enter "brownridge.com" (without the quotes) in the "From" field to whitelist all emails from our address or domain.
  6. Click "Create filter": After entering the email address or domain, click the "Create filter" button.
  7. Choose actions for the filter: A window will appear with various actions you can apply to emails matching your filter criteria. To whitelist the selected email address or domain, check the box next to "Never send it to Spam."
  8. Click "Create filter" again: After selecting "Never send it to Spam," click the "Create filter" button once more to save your filter settings.

The brownridge.com domain should now be whitelisted in Gmail, which means that emails from us will no longer miss your inbox.

Keep in mind that Gmail may occasionally update its interface or settings, so if you encounter any issues, please refer to Gmail's official help documentation for the most up-to-date instructions.


Within Yahoo Mail, your Contacts list serves as your whitelist. To include Brownridge Research in your Yahoo Contacts, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Yahoo mailbox.
  2. Beneath the Yahoo! Mail logo, locate and click on the address book icon, which is labeled as Contacts when you hover your mouse over it.
  3. Select "New Contact."
  4. Populate the fields with the necessary information for Brownridge Research, jbrown@brownridge.com and contact@brownridge.com.
  5. Conclude by clicking "Save," and emails from this sender will subsequently be directed to your Inbox.


Here are instructions for adding a new contact and whitelisting Brownridge in Microsoft Outlook:

Adding Brownridge as a New Contact in Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook: Launch Microsoft Outlook and ensure you are logged into your account.
  2. Access the Contacts Section: Locate and click on the "Contacts" tab or icon. This is usually found in the lower-left corner of the Outlook window.
  3. Create a New Contact:
    • In the Contacts section, click on "New Contact" or "New" (the wording may vary depending on your Outlook version).
    • A contact form will appear, allowing you to enter the details for the new contact.
  4. Enter Contact Information:
    • Fill in the relevant fields with Brownridge's information. At a minimum, include our name "Brownridge Research" or "Jeff Brown" and our sender email address, jbrown@brownridge.com. You can also add additional information such as phone numbers, addresses, and more.
  5. Save the Contact:
    • After entering the contact's details, click the "Save" or "Save & Close" button (the wording may vary). This will save the new contact to your Outlook address book.

Whitelisting Brownridge in Microsoft Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook: Log in to your Microsoft Outlook account.
  2. Access Junk Email Folder: If you find that an email from us has been sent to your Junk Email folder, open the folder.
  3. Mark as Not Junk:
    • Locate the email.
    • Right-click on the email.
    • In the context menu that appears, select "Mark as not junk" or "Not Junk." This action informs Outlook that our email is not spam.

Add to Safe Senders List (Optional, but Preferred):

    • To further ensure that emails from Brownridge are delivered to your inbox, you can add our email address to your Safe Senders list:
    • Click the gear icon (Settings) in the upper-right corner.
    • Select "View all Outlook settings" at the bottom of the settings pane.
    • In the Settings window, go to "Mail" > "Junk email."
    • Under "Safe senders and domains," click "Add."
    • Enter jbrown@brownridge.com to whitelist.
    • Click "Add" and then "Save" to save your changes.

By marking emails as "Not Junk" and adding jbrown@brownridge.com to your Safe Senders list, you can ensure that future emails from us are delivered to your inbox in Microsoft Outlook. Please note that the steps may vary slightly depending on your specific Outlook version, so consult Outlook's official help documentation or support resources if needed.


Hotmail has transitioned to Outlook.com, so the process for whitelisting Brownridge in Outlook.com is similar to the instructions provided above for Outlook. Here are the steps to whitelist a sender in Outlook.com

AOL Mail

AOL Mail allows you to add senders to your contacts or mark emails as "Not Spam" to ensure that future emails from those senders are delivered to your inbox.

Here are the steps to whitelist Brownridge in AOL Mail:

  1. Log in to AOL Mail: Access your AOL Mail account.
  2. Open the Email: Locate and open an email from us that you want to whitelist. Alternatively...
  3. Add to Contacts:
    • Click on our email address or name within the email. This should open a pop-up window.
    • Click on "Add to Contacts" or a similar option. This action adds Brownridge to your AOL Mail contacts.
  4. Mark as Not Spam:
    • If our email is in your spam folder, open it.
    • Click the "Not Spam" button or similar option. This tells AOL that the email is not spam.
  5. Create a Filter (Optional):
    • AOL Mail allows you to create filters to manage incoming emails. While not a direct whitelisting feature, filters can help you organize and prioritize emails from Brownridge.
    • Click on "Options" in the upper-right corner of the AOL Mail interface.
    • Select "Mail Settings" from the drop-down menu.
    • In the left sidebar, click on "Filters and Alerts."
    • Click on "Create Filter."
    • Configure the filter settings to match the jbrown@brownridge.com email address or criteria.
    • Set the filter to deliver matching emails to your inbox or a designated folder.

By adding Brownridge to your contacts, marking our emails as "Not Spam," and optionally creating a filter, you can improve the chances that future emails from Brownridge will be delivered to your AOL Mail inbox.

Please keep in mind that email services and interfaces may change over time. If you encounter any issues or if the process has been updated, it's advisable to consult AOL Mail's official help documentation or support resources for the most current instructions.